
Rabu, 07 Maret 2012


Kamis, 18 Maret 2010


Tolong dan beri dengan perkataan
beri atau pergi
lari sehingga terjatuh
luka dan berdarah darah
sama dengan suasana ketidak mengertian ini.


saya biasa, mungkin terlalu biasa
besok kamu pulang membawa pijakan kaki dan bayangan
lusa kamu pergi membawa tubuh dan semuanya
besok sehabis lusa hanya teringat penyesalan.

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

TWO THUMBS UP reminds to be proud

SMA Negeri 2 Bandung Proudly Present :
The Superbazaar "TWO THUMBS UP" , Presenting

The Bannery
Rock 'n Roll Mafia
Pollyester Embassy
Off Her Drive
Never Give Up Nobita
Fifty Jails
and MANY MORE !!

Saturday, February 6th 2010
@ Convention & Exhibition Hall SABUGA (Sasana Budaya Ganesha)
From 09.30 till 22.22

Pre-Sale Tickets ONLY IDR 40.000
Can be purchased from January 27th 2010
@ SMA Negeri 2 Bandung, Jalan Cihampelas 173


TIKET REGULAR (IDR 40.000) -> Low Level of Priority
-Jalur Akses Masuk: Mengantri
-Kredibilitas Utama: Festival (Berdiri)
-Lainnya: Tempat Duduk di Tribun samping (Tribun A B C D I J K L), dan Tidak Pasti (Pacepet-cepet)
-TIDAK Boleh Membawa Makanan dan atau minuman kedalam areal Convention Hall

TIKET VIP (IDR 60.000) TERBATAS -> Medium Level of Priority
-Jalur Akses Masuk: Jalur panitia, BEBAS ANTRIAN.
-Kredibilitas Umum: Festival (Berdiri)
-Kredibilitas Khusus: Tempat duduk di Tribun VIP samping (Tribun E F G H) dengan tempat duduk bernomor sesuai dengan pesanan (seperti di bioskop).
-TIDAK Boleh Membawa Makanan dan atau minuman ke dalam areal Convention Hall

TIKET VVIP (IDR 100.000) SANGAT TERBATAS -> High Level of Priority
-Jalur Akses Masuk: Jalur panitia, BEBAS ANTRIAN.
-Kredibilitas Umum: Festival (Berdiri)
-Kredibilitas Khusus: Tempat duduk di Tribun VVIP tengah (Tribun VVIP DEPAN STAGE) dengan tempat duduk bernomor sesuai dengan pesanan (seperti di bioskop)
-BOLEH Membawa makanan dan minuman ke dalam areal tempat duduk VVIP.
-Mendapatkan ID CARD VVIP GUEST.

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010


SMAN 2 BANDUNG will hold events or bazaars. Bazaar theme this year is about culture and nationalism. and to show this F2WL 2010 titled TWO THUMBS UP.

will be held on 6 FEBRUARY 2010

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

This is a determination.

facts that happened today may not be shared.
reason only makes decay.
expectations may have obstacles, but it is their resistance.
the opponent can not be confirmed and only problem.
thoughts began to shake, as if he wanted something from the words.
things began to dim, and there was no word surrender.
This is a determination.
determination which may lead the way to the world.
determination again saying "let's find more!
that will bring more comfortable situation.
more are expected by the parents pockets.
come on, come all will go smoothly.

Rabu, 25 November 2009

you managed to make the system worse

They say this will make things better, but they make a bad result may be the worst. Students may not agree and will march in a forum. but do not march like the people demonstrating in tv, he changed to get a view of people's eyes the highest compliment. he did not think about what happens on the field. You are now a minister of education you've managed to make everyone hate you. and of course I do not agree with the decision letter has been out of the education department, hey newly elected minister! do you think, what are you doing this will improve education in Indonesia? This is not correct, but it will make things worse. and we will be more intelligent to make cunning, STUPID!

Senin, 23 November 2009

the authorities do something stupid

education authorities do not have to make students become miserable.
passion does not mean that Indonesia will improve education.
learning will not be difficult if the program does not change very drastically.
whether they felt satisfied with what they make?
if satisfied that the authorities succeeded in making students dropped.
we are the successor generation of more intelligent and cunning of you.